I Venture In The Loony Bin So You Don’t Have To

Ken AshfordRight Wing Punditry/Idiocy, Rightwing Extremism/ViolenceLeave a Comment

This Jade Helm thing that I wrote about a couple of months ago is still going strong.  For those of you still unfamiliar with “Jade Helm 15”, it is the name of a US military operation, or a series of operations actually, that is taking place throughout the Southwest, and a little bit of the South.  Nothing new about that — it’s been done before.  But many right wing conspiracy nuts are convinced — convinced — that it is a US military coup and actually the military is… oh, I don’t know… coming to take your guns and put you in a FEMA camp.  Because Obama.

According to conspiracy theorists, Jade Helm starts today.

Anyway, I found THE site for all your loony right wing news that the mainstream media won’t tell you about because they’re scared or maybe even part of the Jade Helm operation.  It is link-a-riff-ic, so I will put the front page in below the fold (“Read More”).  But I especially like how the front page is segregated into a “News” column of stories, and an “Alternate News” column of stories, and the stories in both columns are pretty much the same (Jade Helm).  I’m not sure what the distinction is, but it must be pretty fine.

Here’s one my favorite photos from the All News Pipeline site.


The point, I guess, is that new malls have been built in America using. . . the designs from Nazi concentration camps . . . because . . . um . . . if you want to build a concentration camp, by God, it better look like the concentration camps from 70 years ago.  (None of this Japanese internment camps with their measly barbed wire fences — OUR concentration camps must have towers with triangle things on top.  And an Orange Julius!)

Don’t believe it’s happening. . . well if THIS VIDEO doesn’t convince you, NOTHING WILL!

And I uncovered this little piece of information — proof positive that something funny is happening.  I’ve edited it a bit, but you’ll get the gist:

UPDATE!!! Blue Bell Ice Cream ‘Refrigerated Morgue Trucks’ Join Military Convoy In Colorado Weeks After
Listeria Outbreak Shuts Down Ice Cream Production


By Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline – Live Free Or Die

UPDATE!!! A customer service representative from Blue Bell has asked us to update our story with this official statement.:

The trucks you refer to in the post below, are trucks we are relocating from our closed branches to those that remain open. It just so happened that our trucks were traveling on the same highway as the military convoy, but there is no relation to their activity. Can you please update your story to reflect the correct information?

Thank You,

Jenny Van Dorf
Public Relations Market Specialist
Blue Bell Advertising Associates
1101 South Blue Bell Road
Brenham, TX 77833

Only weeks after declaring that it will be several months before Blue Bell Ice Cream begins producing ice cream again after a multi-state listeria outbreak linked to them, a dozen or so Blue Bell Ice Cream trucks were seen participating in a military convoy on Colorado roads as shared in the new videos below from DAHBOO777. We know from Bundy Ranch that the government uses vehicles such as the Budweiser truck seen in the image below to transport clandestine cargo. Why has Blue Bell suddenly gotten into the convoy business with the US military? Several rather disturbing possibilities are discussed below and the sudden timing of these events along with the unfolding of Jade Helm 15 in America leads us to believe that Blue Bell being shut down, forcing thousands to be laid off and furloughed, may be related to the closings of Wal Marts across America – simply, the US military needs what you have, and now. Blue Bell’s customer relations, reached at  979-836-7977, has totally danced around this subject when asked and in fact, has totally contradicted themselves with their explanation.


One theory that’s emerged is that these trucks are being used as ‘hidden in plain sight’ refrigerated morgues which can be used to carry bodies ‘out of sight out of mind’ and that theory ties right in with a recent disturbing email received by ANP just days ago in which we were warned that there is a very real possibility that US troops might soon have to kill American citizens. Back in 2005 after Hurricane Katrina, the East Valley Tribune published a story called “New Orleans Left To The Dead And Dying” in which they tell us “the dying goes on – at the airport and an airport triage center where bodies are kept in a refrigerated truck”. A September 2014 story tells us that refrigerated trucks were used as portable morgues after 9/11.

“By the afternoon the school had been identified as a potential site for a temporary morgue. Refrigerated trucks were lining up outside, along Hudson Street.”

The precedent for use of these vehicles as portable out-of-site morgues has clearly been set.

With military exercises taking place across the country this summer and evidence that preparation is being made at the top for economic collapse, warnings have gone out that this could be a ‘summer of rage’ with more rioting across the country as the elite have contrived the perfect conditions for mass unrest across America.

While rare, listeria is the 3rd ranked cause of death from food poisoning in the United States and the fact that so many of these refrigerated Blue Bell trucks are taking part in a military convoy in Colorado with Jade Helm soon approaching is causing a lot of people to wonder ‘why,’. . .

[H]istory clearly tells us that these units can be used for nefarious purposes and, at this particular moment in time in the history of the United States, we should take nothing for granted. The question remains.:

Was that whole poisoning story a psy op done for the purpose of freeing up mobile refrigeration units (morgues) for the military’s Jade Helm 15 exercise, which targets Texas as hostile territory?

It’s only a question, not a claim. But if you watch the video below and you’re like me, it seems a little creepy to see so many ice cream trucks traveling with a military convoy.


And here is the front page


* Something Very Strange Is Happening RIGHT NOW! Jade Helm 15 Begins Same Day Service Outages Reported Across America By Multiple Providers!
* They’re Trying To Shut Down ‘The Ark’ – Canada’s Largest Private Survival Bunker Was Featured In ‘End Of The World – How To Survive Armageddon’ – More Survivalists Under Attack!
* With Perfect Storm Bearing Down On America, Dogs Of Hell Are Unleashed On Donald Trump As Sleeping Giant Awakens After Talk Of ‘Making American Great Again’
* Huge List Of People In A LOT Of Trouble From One End of America To The Other!
* It Is Real, Dangerous And Deadly! If You Want To Live, You Better Start Paying Attention – Steve Quayle And Dane Wigington On Hagmann And Hagmann
* Military Train In Texas – Fully Loaded Down – Jade Helm To Begin In Days In An America At Perpetual War With A Bigger Crisis Coming
* Dead Doctors: Now 8 Dead And Disappeared – Are Medicine’s Finest Being Assassinated? The Shocking Links!
* This Is How America Takes Back America – One Fulfilled Oath At A Time – Censored Videos Show Us What The MSM Doesn’t Want Us To Know!
* Hottest Ticket In America – Stand With Donald Trump In Phoenix, Arizona Live Stream At 2 PM Pacific, 5 PM Eastern Time Today On All News Pipeline
* Homeless US Marine Veteran In Viral Video Reunites With Son – By The Grace Of God
* Why Donald Trump MAY Win In 2016 – US Veterans, The Latino Vote & The 2nd Amendment – Trump Slams NBC Out Of Park
* Kid Rock To Confederate Flag Protesters ‘Kiss My A**’ – Tide Turns In Florida, County Reinstates ‘Mark Of Heritage’

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Alternative News

* HUGE List Of Reasons Jade Helm Should Be A HUGE RED FLAG To ALL Americans!
* Will Jade Helm Be Used To Carry Out ‘White House Kill List’ And ‘Final Judgement’? JH15 Expands And Special Alert Goes Out In Texas
* Major Red List Alert! SPEC-OP Power Center Operation To Begin – By The Time Your Power And Phone Lines Go Out It Is Too Late
* FEMA Camp Mall In Oregon Exposed While Doomsday Plane Flies Over DC Ahead Of Jade Helm
* Giants, Raphaim Found in The Bible And Why You Should Care! Understanding The Past Will Prepare You For What Is Happening Now And What Is To Come
* Warnings Signs Came From The Heavens And Were Ignored! Prophecy Is Unfolding Across The World As Babylon Is Set To Fall!
* US Special Ops Commander Making Big Jade Helm 15 Changes Amid Public Outcry – US Military Members Speak Out On Jade Helm 15 – Will Refuse Illegal Orders
* They Have “Awakened Johnny Reb” And Started The Second Civil War! Will The Rise Of The South Defeat Jade Helm? – Dr. James David Manning
* ‘When Civilization Ends, It Ends Fast’ – The Walking Dead In America – More Warning Signs Emerge Of Dark Times Ahead
* Russia Battles ‘Gay-Fever’ With ‘Straight Flag’ As US Pushes To Ban Words ‘Husband’ And ‘Wife’ – When Did Russia Become The Good Guy?
* ‘They Are Going To Unleash The Perfect Storm’ On America! Oath Keepers Urge Americans To Prepare!
* Did World War 3 Begin On A Very Strange Day? Power Outages – Transportation Shutdowns & EBT Panic – A Taste Of Things To Come In America

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