Oregon Standoff Update [It’s Completely Over]

Ken AshfordRightwing Extremism/ViolenceLeave a Comment

Despite the fact that most of the leaders and participants have surrounded or been, in one case, killed, the Oregon standoff continues…. barely.   The remaining four diehards at the Malheur National Wildlife Center have re-dubbed it “Camp Finicum”, named after the armed protester who was killed a couple weeks ago.

National attention on the standoff has waned since Finicum’s death, but things have continued to get weirder. Franklin Graham, the minister, has gotten involved at some level to try to bring an end to the standoff. Ammon Bundy, the main leader who is now jailed in Portland, reportedly in solitary confinement, has been making regular statements to the public via recorded messages released by his lawyers, and police have tightened the cordon around the refuge even as the handful of militants holed up inside ​have sounded the call for their supporters on the outside to “stand up” in their defense.

A Facebook page for his ranch announced that Cliven Bundy, who came to the national spotlight in a fight with the federal Bureau of Land Management over grazing rights for his cattle in 2014 (and father of the two Bundy brothers who led the Oregon protest), was heading to Oregon yesterday.  After landing in Portland, Oregon, Bundy was taken into federal custody by the FBI.  He reportedly faces weapons charges and a conspiracy charge to impede federal officers relating to the 2014 incident (only took 671 days).  It’s essentially the same charge faced by his sons, Ammon and Ryan Bundy, in connection with their takeover of the federal wildlife refuge in Oregon.

Yesterday, before the elder Bundy’s arrest, the remaining four protesters in the Wildlife Center said they would surrender today.  It is unclear how the arrest of Cliven Bundy will change that.  But it looks like it might finally be over.

To be sure, the crackpot right will hold this up as further proof of an invasive government, and Finicum will continue to be eulogized as a martyr.  I don’t think it will get wide play outside the crazy circles.

UPDATE — Live stream of the crazies (warning: contains paranoia and self-righteous preening… and even bagpipe music):

UPDATE – 12:50 pm.  This livestream above (which may be over by the time you read this) is amazing.  Sandy and Sean Anderson and Jeff Banta  have all surrendered. On the phone are KrisAnne Hall, “Constitutional Attorney, Author, Speaker, Radio Host” [and worst suicide hotline operator on earth], and Gavin Seim, “Pictorialist, Portraitist, Civil Liberty Activist, Speaker, Christian”. Also Michelle Fiore and Rev Graham.  They are trying to get a guy named David (David Fry) to walk out with his hands up, and David is FREAKING out that he will be shot.  He says he is suicidal.  And he just said: ““I declare war against the federal government right now.”

12:57 pm: David Fry is not going to come out until his grievances are met.  What are those grievances?  His “first amendment rights”, meaning that he doesn’t want his taxes going to pay for the death of babies (abortion).  Don’t think that’s going to happen.  He doesn’t understand why his grievances are not being met — his negotiators don’t have the heart to tell him that he lives in a democracy.

1:15 pm:  Background on David Fry

1:58 pm:  He’s given up.  The siege is over.