Christian conservatives are complaining about the new Russell Crowe action movie "Noah" because it does not accurately depict the real-life flood as written in the Bible. Oy. By the way, has anyone answered the question as to where all the flood waters went? I mean, the whole planet was covered in water — higher than the highest mountain. Where did all … Read More
Is Climate Change Real
Somebody went back and looked at all the articles about climate change in peer-reviewed scientific journals. 10,853 articles accepted that climate change is real and humans are the cause of it. 2 did not. Graphically, that looks like this: Can we stop the “debate” now?
The Hobby Lobby Case
Justice Anthony Kennedy, on whose vote the Hobby Lobby SCOTUS case rests, seems very concerned about the government forcing corporations to cover abortion: WASHINGTON, DC — Justice Anthony Kennedy thinks gay people are fabulous. All three of the Supreme Court’s most important gay rights decisions were written by Justice Kennedy. So advocates for birth control had a simple task today: convince Kennedy … Read More
How To Talk About Rape In High School? Censorship.
Cardinal Columns is a student newspaper at Fond du Lac High School, in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. In last month's issue, a student wrote an article entitled "The Rape Joke", a thoughful article about the rape culture that percades high schools and youth. You can read the article here. And once you do, I hope you'll agree that the student … Read More
“Justified Shooting”
That's what the chief of police in Albequerque, NM calls this. There is a verbal confrontation between James Boyd, 38, a homeless and mentally disturbed man camping out in the mountains of New Mexico… and the armed police with attack dogs. But eventually, Boyd agrees to gather his stuff and go. He does not make a move to the officers. … Read More
It Took A Spill, But NC Voters Finally Came Around
Good news: The Sierra Club on Tuesday released the results of a poll it commissioned from Hart Research Associates that shows broad bipartisan support for regulation of coal ash among voters in North Carolina. Hart polled 600 North Carolina voters earlier this month, and found that 83 percent of respondents want coal ash regulated as a hazardous substance and 90 percent think … Read More
Apparently There’s Still A Debate About This?
Give it up, science deniers. You don't get equal time: Sunday's episode of Cosmos was all about evolution. It closely followed the rhetorical strategy of Charles Darwin's world-changing 1859 book, On the Origin of Species, beginning with an example of "artificial selection" by breeders (Darwin used pigeons, Cosmos used domestic dogs) to get us ready to appreciate the far vaster … Read More
Happy 30th Birthday, Breakfast Club
The film didn't come out 30 years ago today; it took place thirty years ago today.
Why Russia Is Showing Its Teeth: The Right Wing Analysis
Q: Why are Putin and Russia showing their teeth in the Ukraine? Sarah Palin: Because Putin wrestles alligators, while Obama wears mom jeans. *Giggle* *Snort* Q: Uh, thanks. But seriously, why are Putin and Russia showing their teeth in the Ukraine? Lindsey Graham: Because…… Benghazi!!! Thanks for that helpful analysis. Now go away.