So… we're experiencing the deadliest outbreak of ebola in history. It's so bad that the leading ebola doctor died yesterday. Fortunately, it is all happening in Sierra Leone and other parts of Africa. But then this happens: UPDATE: They were checking out a patient who wanted to be checked out because s/he just came back from a country … Read More
Our Failing Infrastructure
Old pipes everywhere. The rupture of the 90-year-old main sent a geyser shooting 30 feet in the air and deluged Sunset Boulevard and UCLA with 8 million to 10 million gallons of water before it was shut off more than three hours after the pipe burst, city officials said.
Sarah, Possibly Drunk (You Decide), Serving Red Meat
You really have to see the video to believe it, but this write up gives a fair overview: Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin ripped President Obama on Saturday, saying in order to “save the Republic” Americans must “have the guts to talk about impeachment.” Palin bashed Obama on a variety of topics, including immigration and veterans services during a speech before … Read More
Fourth Circuit Overturns Virginia Same-Sex Marriage Ban
The religious right continues losing their reactionary culture war, as a federal appeals court strikes down Virginia’s ban on marriage equality. And this ruling will also affect conservative bans on same-sex marriage in West Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina, so it’s a significant defeat for the forces of atavism. “We recognize that same-sex marriage makes some people deeply uncomfortable. However, … Read More
Fair And Balanced: Fox News In The Mideast
As Israel bombs Gaza, the Palestinian death toll stands at 576. There have been 27 Israeli deaths as well. And how does Fox report it? Fox News actually just announced this re: Gaza: “So far, violence has killed over 600 people on both sides" — brendan james (@deep_beige) July 22, 2014
The Cost Of Obamacare Repeal
The GOP wants to run on repealing Obamacare in the upcoming elections? How will that play at the state level? A new Department of Health and Human Services report documents the impact federal subsidies under Obamacare are having on the insurance costs of people receiving them, and the Plum Line gives the bottom line: But if subsidies were repealed, people … Read More
RIP James Garner
Great actor, and somewhat less important, he was in my dead pool for this year. He was 86.
Ripple Effect
Among the dead in the Malaysian Air shootdown — about 100 people from the World Health Organization going to an AIDS conference. According to the Associated Press, the exact number of individuals who were killed on their way to the conference is unconfirmed. However, Australian officials have noted that “there is no doubt it’s a substantial number” that includes “medical scientists, … Read More
Morons With Missiles
Yes, indeed. Putin should be embarrassed. When you listen to the audiotapes, you become keenly aware that the pro-Russian separatists in the Ukraine are total boobs… or, as Josh Marshall writes: The audio tapes posted by The New York Times might as well be from some future Russia-based version of Waiting for Guffman or Best in Show, a comical rendering of … Read More
No Danger At All
So a bunch of children from Central America are trying to enter this country, and of course, the right wing is throwing fit because 'Merica. The real issue is whether they are seeking asylum from persecution, in which case we have to, by law, let them into the country. As opposed to them just being some lazy Spanish types who … Read More
Senile Old Man Talks Crazy Shit On CNN
Dick Cheney: TAPPER: But do you think the decisions that you made, your administration really has nothing to do with what's going on in Iraq right now? CHENEY: I think, when we left office, we had, in Iraq, a very stable situation. January 18, 2009 — two days before Obama took office: Baghdad – A roadside bomb detonated in front … Read More
Oh, By The Way, No Benghazi Scandal
I wonder if Fox will touch this: Military officers testified that there was no "stand-down order" that held back military assets that could have saved the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans killed at a diplomatic outpost and CIA annex in Benghazi, Libya. Their testimony undercut the contention of Republican lawmakers. The "stand-down" theory centers on a Special Operations team … Read More