This isn’t a slam piece against WorldNetDaily — it’s a humor piece. Here, apparently is what they are concerned about now: the "child protection gestapo" taking kids from homes and giving the children to (oh no!) same-sex couples. Mind you, the concern here isn’t that abused kids will be given to gay couples, but any child:
Governments that kind-heartedly bestow other people’s children on homosexual couples also have both the power and the motivation to confiscate those children from their original parents, even when the parents have done nothing to warrant losing them.
The government has the power to confiscate children from their original parents even where this is "nothing to warrant" it? Pretty powerful stuff from a media outlet thought by some to have never lied. But you know how it goes: Scare, scare, scare! Lie, lie, lie! Anyway, the irony-unimpaired among you might enjoy this little laugh of a commentary, entitled (in all apparent seriousness) "Could your kids be given to ‘gay’ parents?" (P.S. Can someone explain to me why the word "gay" is in quotes in the title?)