Judson is upset this week about not being able advertisers for his new newspaper, The North Carolina Conservative. It’s not due to the fact that the newspaper is poorly written; it is due to the fact that he is, once again (*sigh*) a victim of Democrats. Just like when they "forced" him to leave his college because it was allowing Fahrenheit 9/11 to be shown on campus.
Poor Jud. If it weren’t for lefties always victimizing him, he would have very little to write about.
<span style="color: #0066ff;”>A couple of years ago I lost my job at a small Virginia newspaper when liberal Democrats threatened a boycott unless my column was pulled. I learned then, that the Left — supposed advocates of free speech, democracy and diversity — are a well organized and wide spread collection of fascists determined to outlaw ideas that offend them, personally attack those who oppose them, and destroy the livelihoods of those who disagree with them.
It seems that Poor Jud re-lives his horrible Virginia newspaper experience every January. Here‘s what he wrote last January on the so-called "Goon Squads" that got him fired. But I digress.
<span style="color: #0066ff;”>I grew up in an area where the Democratic Party power brokers openly refer to themselves as the "Clarkton Mafia," so I’m used to hard nosed politics. I wasn’t surprised to learn of a national effort dubbed, "Buy Blue." Buy Blue, along with the "Conservative Boycott List" and "Don’t Feed the Beast" are part of a national effort by liberals to punish those who oppose them politically, and to starve the conservative movement of its funding by cutting off the revenue of its donors.
It was like that time in November last year when liberals all voted for Kerry, just to punish conservatives like Jud.
<span style="color: #0066ff;”>Last week I began touring the state of North Carolina, promoting The North Carolina Conservative. The North Carolina Conservative is a boldly conservative newspaper, so we knew there was no point in courting liberals either as advertisers or subscribers — they don’t support us, and we don’t want them (although, a little fertilizer does aid growth, so maybe we should allow one or two).
Yes, Jud. It’s bold to put out a conservative newspaper in a red state.
<span style="color: #0066ff;”>However, many companies only purchase ads through agencies, so this necessitated pitching our publication to advertising firms. Immediately, the liberal contempt surfaced, when the president of an Asheville, NC based advertising firm responded to our introductory letter, "I would not recommend to any of my clients that they advertise in your newspaper, because I have committed my life to fighting the evil and destructive lies of conservatives that are ruining our nation."
Fair enough; we don’t want her business anyway.
"C’mon, Dorothy. We don’t want any of those apples!"
<span style="color: #0066ff;”>We’d love the money, but this newspaper is by and for conservatives.
Right. Jud doesn’t want the business of liberals, just the money of liberals.
<span style="color: #0066ff;”>If liberals want to vote with their pocketbooks, then more power to them. However, as we toured the state and spoke to conservative business people, it became clear that their businesses were being hurt by the liberal boycotts.
You see, it’s okay to "vote with your pocketbooks", as long as you don’t show favoritism.
<span style="color: #0066ff;”>For instance, a restaurant owner in Chapel Hill, NC had the temerity to place a Bush/Cheney sign in his business. For this, the local Democrats launched a public campaign to drive him out of business. His lunch clientele has nearly disappeared.
Those damn liberals tried to pull that same shit in Greensboro, NC, too!
<span style="color: #0066ff;”>Decades ago, liberals began networking to support each other and further their leftist goals. This is why college faculties and government bureaucracies are almost uniformly comprised of Democrats (and unaffiliated liberal nutballs). In the private sector, green, feminist and gay groups recommend liberal friendly businesses for their members to invest in. Gays, especially, network effectively by placing rainbow flags and stickers on their businesses as identifiers.
It was Levar Burton’s idea! Honestly!
<span style="color: #0066ff;”>I propose that conservatives engage in a reverse boycott. In North Carolina, I hope The North Carolina Conservative will become an effective vehicle to know what businesses support conservatism. Nationally, conservatives can identify and support each other by organizing. In each state, and nationally, there should be a registry of conservative owned businesses. Conservative owned businesses should also begin identifying themselves publicly with symbols. For instance, if I drove into an unfamiliar town, looking for a place to get lunch, fill up my car with gas or stay the night, if I saw a business with a conservative slogan in the window (or any conservative message), I would patronize that business.
Good idea, Jud. I wonder what symbol conservatives could use. Mmmmmm. I can’t imagine what. Damn, those gays already took the rainbow! What can conservatives possibly use? Mmmmmmmm.
<span style="color: #0066ff;”>If we do this nationwide, it may do more to promote conservative values, conservative politics and a sense of unity and community than anything else we can do. Imagine stepping into an unfamiliar restaurant that had a conservative identifier out front and a conservative talk radio station playing in the background — it would be a sign that here, you are among friends.
We could even put a sign on the outside saying "No Girls and Liberals Allowed". And, and, and . . . we could have a secret entrance and a handshake, too! And make special cards an’ stuff.
<span style="color: #0066ff;”>Conversation would flow more easily, business deals would happen spontaneously, political clubs and church groups would know where to meet on friendly ground, etc. If conservatives can network well, we may all become rich and ready to take over arty little resort towns one day… just like gays!
I wonder what a conservative "arty little resort town" would actually look like. Sounds like a Tim Burton movie though.