From the comments at Body and Soul via Sisyphus Shrugged:
See, me, I’m fine with his being gay. Hell, I’m fine with him being a prostitute, if that’s what he needs to do to live.
What I want to see, and what thankfully I am seeing, is all of the right-wing pundits roaring anathema on left-wing blogs because by not recognizing that bringing up Jeff Gannon’s business (which, you know, he did advertise all over the internet) the left is showing hypocrisy and homophobia and not letting him have the privacy which he has every right to. Anyone who wouldn’t just tactfully not mention Jeff Gannon’s sideline is a gay-hating ignorant bad person.
I’m sure it comes as quite a shock to the twenty-something percent of the voters who came out and supported their guy because he was going to put it to all those terrible gay people that their opinion makers think so little of them.
The right has for years justified taking children away from gay women with nine to five jobs and not letting gay men adopt by trotting out the same footage of the mardi gras style parades in San Francisco and saying see? These people are freaks. You can’t let these people think they’re as good as we are. Society is going to fall down and go boom if we don’t put these people in their place.
Well then, fine. Y’all go ahead and explain to me why a woman who’s a good mother and a responsible citizen has lost her right to raise her children because and only because she loves another woman but Jeff Gannon, who peddles his ass to other men, is above reproach because
Because what?
What I don’t like about Jeff Gannon is his politics and his dishonesty. What the right is in an uproar about is what he does with his genitals behind closed doors.
Fine. Tell all the nice values voters why that’s something we shouldn’t penalize a person for. It’s an open book test. You can copy stuff off of every liberal blog in town.