The New York Times tell us that the apple doesn’t far from the tree.
I knew that. I guess the odd thing is that the tree is criticizing the apple:
U.S. Cites Array of Rights Abuses by the Iraqi Government in 2004
International Herald Tribune
Published: March 1, 2005ASHINGTON, Feb. 28 – The State Department on Monday detailed an array of human rights abuses last year by the Iraqi government, including torture, rape and illegal detentions by police officers and functionaries of the interim administration that took power in June.
In the Bush administration’s bluntest description of human rights transgressions by the American-supported government, the report said the Iraqis "generally respected human rights, but serious problems remained" as the government and American-led foreign forces fought a violent insurgency. It cited "reports of arbitrary deprivation of life, torture, impunity, poor prison conditions – particularly in pretrial detention facilities – and arbitrary arrest and detention."
Hello? Abu Ghraib??? Pot. Kettle. Black.