Love Me Dooce

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I just noticed that won the 2005 Bloggie Award for (1) Best American Weblog; (2) Most Humorous Weblog and (3) Best Writing of a Weblog.

All well-deserved. is the personal journal of Heather Armstrong, an ex-Mormon and all-around cutie.  Her blog has the rare distinction of becoming a generic word — "dooced" means "to be fired from one’s job because of what one posts on one’s weblog".  Heather Armstrong, as you might have guessed, got "dooced" herself.  Fortunately, that didn’t stop her from living her life and sharing it with the world.  She subsequently married a nice geeky guy named Jon, and they recently had a baby named Leta.  All of this wonderfully preserved in her weblog.

So if you want to see why Heather won the Bloggie for Best American Weblog, Most Humorous Weblog and Best Writing of a Weblog, visit  For starters, I suggest this post, where we get the blow-by-blow details of Leta’s birth.