Douglas Smith, Jr. in September 2004, talking about the character of the Boy Scouts and why it is important that the Scouts exclude gays:
Some intolerant elements in our society want to force scouting to abandon its values and to become fundamentally different. They want scouting to forego its constitutional rights, affirmed in 2000 by the Supreme Court in BSA v. Dale, and adopt fundamentally different values from the ones that helped shape the character of Mr. Collins and 106 million other young men over the past 94 years.
Douglas Smith, Jr. today:
A former top official of the Boy Scouts of America faces federal Internet child pornography charges and is expected to plead guilty Wednesday, a spokeswoman for the U.S. attorney’s office said.
Douglas S. Smith Jr. faces a single count of receiving and distributing child pornography — a charge resulting from a federal investigation conducted with German authorities.
Gays? No. Child porn? Yes. Some moral compass we’re establishing there.