The Party of “No”

Ken AshfordRepublicansLeave a Comment

The Republicans keep voting against the American people.

Republicans Vote No on Providing Rail Service to Millions of Americans. Senate Republicans voted no on the Byrd amendment to provide funding for Amtrak. The amendment called for an increase in funding for Amtrak by $1 billion. The amendment failed 46-52. [RC 51, S. Amdt. 158 to S. Con. Res. 18, 3/16/05]

Republicans Vote No on Protecting the Arctic Refuge. Senate Republicans voted against the Cantwell amendment to protect the Arctic Wildlife Refuge from drilling. The amendment failed 49-51. [RC 52, S. Amdt. 168 to S. Con. Res. 18, 3/16/05]

Republicans Voted Against Paying for all Tax Cuts and Spending. Senate Republicans voted against the Feingold amendment that would have reinstated the “Pay-as-you-go” rules. These rules would require any new tax cuts or spending to be fully offset and paid for. The amendment failed 50-50. [RC 53, S. Amdt. 186 to S. Con. Res. 18, 3/16/05]

Republicans Voted Against An Amendment to Provide for the Health Care Needs of Our Veterans. Senate Republicans voted against the Akaka/Murray amendment that would have increased the Veterans Affairs budget by $2.85 billion. The amendment would also rejects the President’s proposal to cut funding to State veterans’ homes, eliminate the means-test for veterans to enroll for VA care, provide for much-needed mental health services, rejects the President’s proposal to drive veterans away from the VA with annual user fees and increased prescription drug costs. The amendment failed 47-53. [RC 55, S. Amdt. 149 to S. Con. Res. 18, 3/16/05]

sez Oliver Willis correctly.