This is pretty weird.
The Des Moines Register is saying that Jeff Gannon (the White House conservative "journalist" who was allowed into the White House press pool although he had no journalistic experience and was in fact a gay male escort who advertised his services on the Internet but that’s okay because his real name was James Guckert and he asked softball questions of Bush anyway)……
. . . is really named Johnny Gosch:
Gosch was 12 years old when he was abducted in 1982 as he delivered newspapers in his West Des Moines neighborhood. His mother, Noreen Gosch, and her hired private investigators later concluded Johnny was kidnapped by a pedophilia/child pornography ring.
Then (one theory goes) GannonGuckertGosch was trained by the CIA to be a male escort/spy, then given a job as a White House escort to reward him for his service and/or silence him.
Curiouser and curiouser.