More on DeLay’s “Family Values”

Ken AshfordRepublicansLeave a Comment

TBogg has the scoop on DeLay’s response:

Tom DeLay defends his no-talent daughter and wife and the money that they made:

Representative Tom DeLay, the House majority leader, on Wednesday angrily dismissed newspaper accounts that focused on payments to his wife and daughter as well as on additional trips taken by him that have come under scrutiny.

In an interview with CNN, Mr. DeLay criticized an article in The New York Times on Wednesday that said his wife, Christine A. DeLay, and his daughter, Dani Ferro, had received more than $500,000 since 2001 from his political action and campaign committees. He called the article "just another seedy attempt by the liberal media to embarrass me," contending that his wife and daughter had legitimately earned the money by working as valued members of his political team.

"My wife and daughter have any right, just like any other American, to be employed and be compensated for their employment," Mr. DeLay said. "It’s pretty disgusting, particularly when my wife and daughter are singled out and others are not, in similar situations in the Senate and as well as the House."

So what has the DeLay spawn done as a "valued member" of Team DeLay? Lots:

UB0001i2c84nited Parcel Service provided a chartered flight between Washington and Las Vegas for between 50 and 60 people–including lobbyists, top aides and political supporters–at DeLay’s request, according to a company spokesman. DeLay flew separately on a Federal Express corporate jet. Lobbyists with the National Association of Manufacturers, the D.C. law firm Verner, Liipfert, Bernhard, McPherson and Hand, and the National Association of Convenience Stores were among those present for the weekend.

The weekend included a late-night party Saturday in DeLay’s suite at the Rio Hotel and Casino, which featured a living room, bar and hot tub on the balcony. DeLay was not present, aides said; the event was hosted by his daughter, Dani Ferro, the campaign manager for DeLay’s reelection campaign. After the party, Ferro told associates that a lobbyist poured champagne on her while she was in the hot tub. (link via Atrios)