Pope Benny 16

Ken AshfordGodstuff2 Comments

I have absolutely no thoughts on the subject, although that may be rightfully attributed to my fatigue arising from rehearsals for this.

Suffice to say this: I’m already sick of right wing pundits trying to make this a victory for conservative moral values, continuing Pope John Paul’s legacy.  Need they be reminded that the conservative Ratzinger — at Pope John Paul’s right hand — was adamantly against the Iraqi War?  That he has spoken quite eloquently about aggressive evangelical "sects" (which would include Prostestantism) drawing people away from the Catholic faith?    That he openly advocated banning Turkey, the only mostly-Arab democracy at the time, from entering the European Union?  That he pooh-poohed the uproar over priestly pedophilia in the United States?

I mean, is that a conservative value — denying priest pedophilia?

P.S.:  Yes, I accidentally caught portions of Rush’s show this afternoon, where he actually praised Ratzinger Pope Benedict XVI for having performed military service in his native country (And yes, Rush was aware that the country was Germany, and Germany’s leader at the time was Hitler, and the war was WWII).