Okay, But Can We Convict Him Of Egomania?

Ken AshfordPopular CultureLeave a Comment

This deserves the raspberry-of-the-year award:

The Jackson Web site mjjsource.com featured graphics declaring “Innocent” and showing a hand giving a victory sign as a fanfare plays. A scrolling calendar highlights historic events such as “Martin Luther King is born,” “The Berlin Wall falls,” “Nelson Mandela is freed,” and finally, “June 13, 2005, Remember this date for it is a part of HIStory.” The reference was to Jackson’s 1995 album “HIStory: Past, Present, and Future Book I."

Comparing the fall of the Berlin Wall to the Michael Jackson verdict?  There’s no rolling-eye graphic sarcastic enough to convey the stupidity.

I can see it now.  Forty years from now, my grandchildren will gather around me, and look up at me in wonder and ask, “Grampa!  Where were you when Jacko was found innocent?”

To truly appreciate this, you must must must visit the website referred to above.  It is a Flash presentation, so wait for it to load…