One of the Downing Street Memos, informally called the Options Paper (PDF format) is interesting in that it discusses two apparently equally acceptable post-Iraq outcomes:
The US administration has lost faith in containment and is now considering regime change. The end states could either be a Sunni strongman or a representative government.
The paper goes on to list the plusses and minuses of each course of action, although it never “decides” which option is preferable.
Later on, the Options Paper memo list seven UK objectives for the Iraq war, and noticably absent is any objective pertaining to the democratization of Iraq.
Perhaps Bush and Blair settled on the “democratization” option at a time subsequent to the Options Paper memo. But seeing as we’re now being told that the installation of a democracy was an integral part of our reasons for invading Iraq, it is interesting to see how little weight it carried in the preparation and run-up to the war.