
Ken AshfordEconomy & Jobs & DeficitLeave a Comment

From the Associated Press: Oil Prices Hit Record Near $67 08.12.2005, 03:38 PM Oil prices settled at a record high near $67 Friday, as U.S. refinery outages looked set to test gasoline supplies in the world’s biggest-consuming nation. The threat of hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico and concerns over Iran’s decision to resume uranium-conversion activities also fueled the price … Read More

A Soldier’s Story

Ken AshfordIraqLeave a Comment

From a soldier stationed in Iraq: I’ve rewritten this 3 times already. Yes, we should have done what we did. We should be here. A free, stable Iraq will go a long way towards stabilizing the region. In the long run, I think Saddam Hussein would have been a threat to our country. The people who are running things at … Read More

Project Steve

Ken AshfordGodstuffLeave a Comment

I’ve known about this for some time [UPDATE: it appears that I blogged about it, too], but a recent post at Pandagon reminded me again of this. The Discovery Institute, the conservative think tank at the forefront of the Intelligent Design scientific political movement, likes to talk about all the "scientists" who support creationism/intelligent design.  They, along with other groups, … Read More

When Zero Doesn’t Mean Zero

Ken AshfordRepublicansLeave a Comment

From the AP: The Republican Party says it still has a zero-tolerance policy for tampering with voters even as it pays the legal bills for a former Bush campaign official charged with conspiring to thwart Democrats from voting in New Hampshire. James Tobin, the president’s 2004 campaign chairman for New England, is charged in New Hampshire federal court with four … Read More


Ken AshfordBush & Co., Iraq, Republicans, Right Wing and Inept Media, SheehanLeave a Comment

There’s so much out there on the left blogosphere about Cindy Sheehan, and it’s all good.  But Steve Gilliard focuses on the predictable smear tactics of the right, and how it is backfiring: The thing about the Right Wing noise machine is that it only has one tactical mode. Full bore attack. Which against a woman who lost her son, … Read More

But Only Up To A Point

Ken AshfordIraqLeave a Comment

Via Atrios: Staff Sgt. Jason Rivera, 26, a Marine recruiter in Pittsburgh, went to the home of a high school student who had expressed interest in joining the Marine Reserve to talk to his parents. It was a large home in a well-to-do suburb north of the city. Two American flags adorned the yard. The prospect’s mom greeted him wearing … Read More

Friday’s iPod Random Ten

Ken AshfordRandom MusingsLeave a Comment

Lot of oldies popping up this week…. Raspberry Beret – Prince Life Is A Rock (But The Radio Rolled Me) – Reunion Will It Go Round In Circles – Billy Preston What Child Is This – Vince Guaraldi Hey Nineteen – Steely Dan Fat and Greasy – Ain’t Misbehavin’ (Original Broadway Cast) Pretty Women – Sweeney Todd (Original Broadway Cast) … Read More

New Look, New Name, Same Crap

Ken AshfordBlogging1 Comment

So . . . the site formally known as "Goldfish Don’t Bounce" has a new look, and more importantly, a new name — NO, YOU CAN’T HAVE A PONY!  The name has absolutely no significance at all.  But tell me what you think.

Links Between Iraq And al Qaeda Established

Ken AshfordIraq, War on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

Unfortunately, the link occurs in the present Iraqi government, not the overthrown one.  Newsweek has the exclusive: A former Washington-area man accused in court papers of being the “American contact” for an Osama bin Laden “front organization” is now believed to be working for the new Iraqi government’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, two U.S. law-enforcement officials and a longtime associate … Read More

Kaye Habla English, I Think

Ken AshfordRight Wing Punditry/Idiocy1 Comment

It looks like Kaye Grogan is struggling with the English language again: Have you ever wondered why English is not the official language in America? After 200 plus years of English being the predominantly spoken language — what else would the native tongue be? And the last time I read the U.S. Constitution it was written in English. Actually, it … Read More

Unintelligent Design

Ken AshfordGodstuffLeave a Comment

From a blogger named David Galbraith: I have a new theory – Unintelligent Design, which is the same as Intelligent Design, except that the creator is either a moron or Satan. This theory has no less evidence to support it than Intelligent Design, since its mechanisms are identical. This theory is more compatible with religious teachings in that it proposes … Read More

Kansas Determined To Become Stupidest State

Ken AshfordGodstuffLeave a Comment

Seriously, what is the matter with Kansas? TOPEKA, Kan. – The Kansas Board of Education voted 6-4 Tuesday to include greater criticism of evolution in its school science standards, but it decided to send the standards to an outside academic for review before taking a final vote. The Kansas school system was ridiculed around the country in 1999 when the … Read More

Baghdad Catch-22

Ken AshfordIraqLeave a Comment

Matt Yglesius: As you may have heard, Baghdad’s mayor was deposed today by a SCIRI-backed militia and replaced by a SCIRI loyalist. SCIRI, of course, is one of the main parties currently running Iraq’s federal government. So what’s the USA to do? Here we get to one of the central paradoxes of our current policy. If the municipal coup is … Read More