Worst. American. Ever.

Ken AshfordBush & Co., Iraq, SheehanLeave a Comment

With good reason, Atrios is calling Michelle Malkin "possibly . . . America’s Worst American" for "shitting" all over Cindy Sheehan, Bush ranch protester and mother of Casey Sheehan, her son killed in Iraq.  Here’s something from Crooks & Liars: Bill O’Reilly: I think Mrs. Sheehan bears some responsibility for this [publicity] and also for the responsibility for the other … Read More

What’s The Opposite Of A Chickenhawk?

Ken AshfordIraqLeave a Comment

A brave dove: "I just want to get it done, come home, and continue my life." Those were just about the last words that Gennaro Pellegrini, Jr. — a 31-year-old Philly cop and up-and-coming boxer — said to us when we spoke last last November. In less than 48 hours, Pellegrini was about to step onto an airplane bound for … Read More

Sex, Sex, Sex – Now That I Have Your Attention…

Ken AshfordSex/Morality/Family ValuesLeave a Comment

Via Kevin Drum comes an observation by Mort Kondracke, about . . . well, I’ll let Kevin explain: Mort Kondracke, writing today about abortion and contraception, says that there’s ground for suspicion that some religious conservatives are as much about punishing illicit sexual activity as they are about saving "life." Indeed there is. But Ramesh Ponnuru says Kondracke is nuts: … Read More

Quote Of The Day

Ken AshfordBush & Co., Iraq, SheehanLeave a Comment

Maureen Dowd, speaking tongue-in-cheek about Cindy Sheehan, the 48-year-old mother of a dead U.S. soldier, who says she will camp out in the dusty heat near Bush’s ranch until she gets to tell Mr. Bush face to face that he must pull all U.S. troops out of Iraq: If only her husband were an undercover C.I.A. operative, the Bushies could … Read More

The “Wedge Document”

Ken AshfordGodstuff1 Comment

Since I have been on a tear about "intelligent design" lately, and what a crock it is, I thought it might be time to post about "The Wedge Document".  The Wedge Document was authored by members of the Center for the Renewal of Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute. The Discovery Institute is a think tank based in Seattle, … Read More

Man Dies After 49 Hours Of Computer Games

Ken AshfordRandom MusingsLeave a Comment

Yahoo News: SEOUL, South Korea – A 28-year-old South Korean man died of exhaustion in an Internet cafe after playing computer games non-stop for 49 hours, South Korean police said Wednesday. Lee, a resident in the southern city of Taegu who was identified only by his last name, collapsed Friday after having eaten minimally and not sleeping, refusing to leave … Read More

How About Those Red Sox?

Ken AshfordRed Sox & Other SportsLeave a Comment

American League Eastern Division W L Pct GB Home Road Streak Last 10 games BatAvg ERA Runs per G Boston 65 47 .580 – 35-18 30-29 Won 3 8-2 .282 4.76 5.61 New York 60 51 .541 4.5 34-22 26-29 Lost 1 6-4 .274 4.62 5.41 Toronto 57 55 .509 8.0 32-25 25-30 Won 1 5-5 .272 4.07 4.95 Baltimore … Read More

Religious Claws

Ken AshfordGodstuffLeave a Comment

These are examples of why religion needs to be kept out of the public sphere. It’s quite simple.  Once you allow religion in, then there is a fight about which religion should be at the forefront. For example, the Carpetbagger Report tells us about this: In Pleasant Grove, Utah, for example, a Ten Commandments memorial, donated by the Fraternal Order … Read More

Faith-Based Spiffle

Ken AshfordGodstuffLeave a Comment

Dr. Roy Spencer.  He’s a doctor, so you have to put the "Dr." in front of his name.  Makes his opinion on matters sound weighty and important.  I guess that’s why the folks at Tech Central Station gave him the chance to write an article entitled "Faith-Based Evolution", in which Dr. Spencer defends intelligent design.  Let’s take a closer look. … Read More

Gandhi In Crawford

Ken AshfordBush & Co., Iraq, SheehanLeave a Comment

If you are not following the story of Cindy Sheehan, the bereaved mother of a U.S. soldier killed in Iraq, you ought to be.  She’s set up camp outside the Bush ranch in Crawford, Texas (where Bush is taking a record-breaking long vacation), hoping just to meet him and ask him questions. And you should be reading her diaries at … Read More

Most Americans Feel More Vulnerable

Ken AshfordWar on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

USA Today: WASHINGTON — American attitudes toward the war in Iraq continue to sour in the wake of last week’s surge in U.S. troop deaths, a USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll shows. (Related: Poll results) An unprecedented 57% majority say the war has made the USA more vulnerable to terrorism. A new low, 34%, say it has made the country safer. The … Read More

Paint It Black

Ken AshfordBush & Co.Leave a Comment

Mick Jagger has a new song about Bush.  It’s called "Sweet Neo Con." The lyrics include "You call yourself a Christian, I call you a hypocrite/You call yourself a patriot. Well, I think your are full of shit." That’s so co-co-cold.

Phelps Again

Ken AshfordGodstuff, IraqLeave a Comment

Fred Phelps and his minions are at it again.  He intends to picket the funeral of Sgt. Christopher Taylor, a Marine who died in Iraq. Why?  Because the military isn’t homophobic enough for Phelps, or because Phelps’ god (allegedly) hates fags, or something… Friday, about 15 members of the group — some of them children — picketed the funeral of … Read More

Bush’s Loyalty

Ken AshfordBush & Co.1 Comment

Bush’s loyalty raises doubts about his political judgment "It seems that President Bush is falling into the Nixon trap – his administration can do no wrong. His allies and people who support him can do no wrong," said Robert Dallek, a presidential historian. "Palmeiro is above suspicion, Rove is not to be questioned, John Bolton is a stand-up guy. "The … Read More

Libby Was Miller’s Source

Ken AshfordPlamegateLeave a Comment

Murray Waas reports: The new disclosure that Miller and Libby met on July 8, 2003, raises questions regarding claims by President Bush that he and everyone in his administration have done everything possible to assist Fitzgerald’s grand-jury probe. Sources close to the investigation, and private attorneys representing clients embroiled in the federal probe, said that Libby’s failure to produce a … Read More