The Never-Ending “Last” Throes

Ken AshfordIraqLeave a Comment

Seven Marines on Monday.  Fourteen marines on Tuesday.  This is insane. Among the carnage is the sad story of Steven Vincent, a freelance journalist.  We wrote an op-ed piece which appeared in the New York Times last Sunday, entitled “Switched Off in Basra”.  It told of how the police in Basra, who are supposedly on our side, are mostly comprised … Read More

Coalition Of The Stupid

Ken AshfordBush & Co., Education, Godstuff1 Comment

Right-centrist blogger John Cole says it all.  The following is from him, but it echoes the sentiments of every educated person regardless of political persuasion: By now you have probably already heard (the hazards of not blogging for a few hours) that President Bush has endorsed the inclusion of intelligent design in public school curricula: President Bush said Monday he … Read More

Watch This Story

Ken AshfordIraqLeave a Comment

This story caught my eye: WASHINGTON, July 31 – The Central Intelligence Agency was told by an informant in the spring of 2001 that Iraq had abandoned a major element of its nuclear weapons program, but the agency did not share the information with other agencies or with senior policy makers, a former C.I.A. officer has charged. In a lawsuit … Read More