Why Is Today Different From Any Other Day?

Ken AshfordBush & Co.Leave a Comment

Bush is #1! Today he passes Reagan’s record for most vacation days! Yaaaay! It took Reagan, who was much older, 8 years to reach his personal best of 355 days. Bush did it in only 4 years, 7 months! And his August vacation isn’t half over yet! [Source] Now watch this drive!

Frist Gets On His Knees And Begs Forgiveness From The Religious Right

Ken AshfordGodstuff, RepublicansLeave a Comment

From MSNBC: Frist voices support for ‘intelligent design’ Senator encourages teaching of faith-based theory alongside evolution Uh-oh.  Someone’s upset he wasn’t invited to Justice Sunday II. Echoing similar comments from President Bush, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said “intelligent design” should be taught in public schools alongside evolution. Frist, a Republican from Tennessee, spoke to a Rotary Club meeting Friday … Read More

We, Robots

Ken AshfordRight Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

Shorter John Ponderhatz: "I’ve written 12,000 words on a subject I don’t understand, and for some reason, robots are attacking me and pointing out my errors." I’m not following the Able Danger scandal much, which is why I don’t write about it. If John doesn’t like robots, he should do the same.  Robots thrive on ignorance.

Republicans Nervous, And With Good Reason

Ken AshfordIraq, Sheehan2 Comments

The NY Times: A stream of bad news out of Iraq, echoed at home by polls that show growing impatience with the war and rising disapproval of President Bush’s Iraq policies, is stirring political concern in Republican circles, party officials said Wednesday. They are referring to Republican party officials, as in: "There is just no enthusiasm for this war,” said … Read More

This Is My 1000th Post On This Blog

Ken AshfordBloggingLeave a Comment

The first post was dated January 21, 2004, almost 19 months ago. I guess I should say something profound, or give a retrospective of the blog and how it’s developed, or thank the people who visit (both of them), or something. But instead, I think I will publish one of my favorite photos:

“Let ‘Em Burn!”

Ken AshfordGodstuff, Health CareLeave a Comment

That’s what you’re likely to hear from the Christian conservatives, when they read this: An experimental therapy that uses skin cells grown from an aborted fetus successfully healed severe burns in eight children, sparing them the need for skin grafts, according to a study published today. The treatment led to the regrowth of essentially normal skin on second- and third-degree … Read More

So Where Are The Reporters?

Ken AshfordIraq, Right Wing and Inept MediaLeave a Comment

On–air admission from Chris Matthews: MATTHEWS: What I keep doing here is asking people on and off camera who come on this program, high-ranking officers, enlisted, former officers. I get sometimes, not all the time, two different versions, the version they give me on the air and the version they give me the minute when we’re off the air. The … Read More

Lessons Not Learned

Ken AshfordBush & Co., Iraq, Republicans, SheehanLeave a Comment

Paul Begala is talking here about the smears of the right wing against Sheehan (although it is hard to tell).  He’s nailed it: It seems to me the American people never really forgave the Democrats for being right about Vietnam. The left was right, of course, about Vietnam.  Even my CNN colleague Bob Novak, who was extraordinarily hawkish on Vietnam, … Read More

The Chickenhawk Counterargument

Ken AshfordRepublicans, War on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

TBogg examines one neo-con’s attempt to defuse the chickenhawk meme: Rusty at The Jawa Report attempted a statistical study on chickenhawkedness and didn’t get enough reponses to make a valid judgement…so he went and make a wholly unsupportable one anyway: An oft heard accusation is that of chickenhawk being leveled at supporters of the Iraq War who have no prior … Read More

Sheehan Bigger Than Schiavo

Ken AshfordAssisited Suicide/Schiavo, Bush & Co., Iraq, SheehanLeave a Comment

From Blogometer (a good daily resource by the way): Each time this week we’ve visited Technorati, the popular blog search engine, the "Top Searches This Hour" feature has placed "Cindy Sheehan" at the very top. At one point this a.m., "Sheehan" was also #5. The Blogometer is trying to remember the last time this happened, but no person or event … Read More

Bush Administration Ignored The State Department About Lack Of Post-War Planning

Ken AshfordBush & Co., IraqLeave a Comment

No doubt because the State Department primarily deals with diplomacy, and the Bushies don’t do no pansy-ass diplomacy. One month before the U.S. invasion of Iraq, three State Department bureau chiefs warned of “serious planning gaps for post-conflict public security and humanitarian assistance” in a secret memorandum prepared for a superior. The State Department officials, who had been discussing the … Read More

Lessons From Schiavo: Even A Living Will Won’t Protect You From The Krazy Kristian Kooks

Ken AshfordAssisited Suicide/Schiavo, GodstuffLeave a Comment

Under threat of a lawsuit, Pro-Life Wisconsin pulled a news release accusing HospiceCare of murder in removing the feeding tubes of severely injured Marine Staff Sgt. Chad Simon, but the group has not, as requested, issued a public apology or retraction. *** Simon, 32, of Monona, was injured by a bomb in Iraq in November. The father of a 6-year-old … Read More

Iraq: Worse Than What Is Reported?

Ken AshfordIraqLeave a Comment

Conservatives like to bitch and moan about how the media never reports the good things in Iraq.  They claim it just proves media bias, but of course, we all know the real reason.  To the extent that there ARE good things to report in Iraq, the media doesn’t report it because it’s too fucking dangerous for them to venture far … Read More