Ghouls To Oversee Katrina Bodies

Ken AshfordDisastersLeave a Comment

Hey.  You remember this story from a few years back?

Two Florida Jewish cemeteries owned by the world’s largest funeral company allegedly dug up bodies, crushed burial vaults and dumped human remains in wooded areas to make room for additional graves.

Lawyers said that as many as 1,000 bodies could have been displaced at Menorah Gardens cemeteries in Palm Beach and Broward counties. The cemeteries are owned by Service Corp. International, a Houston-based giant.


One of the plaintiffs, Carol Prisco of Long Island, said her father, Meyer Goldstein, was buried atop the grave of another woman instead of next to an empty plot he had bought for his wife. His body was allegedly among hundreds jammed into spaces that were too close to other bodies.

Lawyers for the families displayed photos of a leg bone lying on the ground beside chunks of a concrete vault. Finger bones, Jewish burial shrouds and a Star of David were found nearby.

Well, guess who got the no-bid contract to handle the bodies of the Katrina victims?