Republicans Say The Darndest Things

Ken AshfordBush & Co.Leave a Comment

Example No. 1:  "D’oh!"

It seems that a fax memo intended for Karl Rove was accidently sent to the wrong fax machine and got out.  In it, it describes how the administration should confront immigration problems. 

What factors should be considered in confronting such this unique and complex issue — an issue which direct impacts our national security concerns?  Cost?  What works?  What is morally right?


Media bias.

And wooing the Republican base.

Raw Story has the full story . . . and the memo.

Example No. 2:  "We’re Sunk"

From the very conservative American Spectator:

But at this stage of the game, barring some imaginative political moves that bear some resemblance to the Bush Administration circa 2002, Republicans on Capitol Hill and even some longtime Bush team members in various Cabinet level departments say this Administration is done for.

"You run down the list of things we thought we could accomplish and you have to wonder what we thought we were thinking," says a Bush Administration member who joined on in 2001.

"You get the impression that we’re more than listless. We’re sunk."…

Congressional committee sources on both sides of Capitol Hill predict tough slogging on anything of policy consequence. "Social Security is dead as far as my chairman is concerned. So are the tax cuts," says a Ways and Means staffer of Chairman Bill Thomas.

Before hurricane season wreaked havoc on the Gulf Coast and in Washington, the thinking was that Thomas was poised to take up a major tax bill that might feature several critical components of the Bush Administration’s Social Security reform. Now those plans appear to have dimmed considerably.