Democratic Ideas – No. 7

Ken AshfordDemocratsLeave a Comment

Democracy Begins at Home. Equal opportunity in this country is based upon equal representation and fair voting.  Democrats are determined to reforming the voting system in this country to create Federal standards for our elections.  The bill adds verification, accountability and accuracy to the system.  It increases access to the polls with Election Day registration, shorter lines and early voting.  The bill also aims to modernize our election equipment and increase impartiality and provides the resources to our states to implement the bill.


Democratic Idea No. 1: Standing With Our Troops

Democratic Idea No. 2: Targeting The Terrorists More Effectively

Democratic Idea No. 3: Fulfilling Our Duty to America’s Veterans

Democratic Idea No. 4: Expanding Economic Opportunity

Democratic Idea No. 5: Quality Education For All

Democratic Idea No. 6: Making Health Care More Affordable