As you all know, one of the difficulties in traveling to the moon is cargo weight. There is only so much a spacecraft can handle. You have to pack fuel, oxygen, and so on.
And if you are planning to explore the moon in a vehicle, like the Apollo Moon Rover, that’s even more weight to consider.
What if we were able to combine resources? What do you get?
Yup, an edible moon vehicle:
"Overall, going to the moon is a daunting project because of the amount of fuel it takes to send a payload from Earth," said Walter Smith, a Ball State biology professor overseeing the class project.
"If you build a vehicle made of food, you can cut down on the amount of materials and fuel needed to go to the moon. We are telling the students to consider the viability of having a vehicle that can be eaten as you travel across the moon.
"The working model will probably be made from fruit or a breakfast cereal, while the wheels will be made from lollipops," he said.
Mmmmm. Lollipops covered with moon dust argararaagah!