Irony, Thy Name Is Malkin

Ken AshfordRight Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

Michelle Malkin made her name by writing a book suggesting that the United States was correct in locking up American citizens of Japanese descent back in World War II, even though there was no legal justification for doing so.  She makes similar claims regarding the profiling of Muslims in the post-9/11 world.

Well, it now appears that we have spies — actual, you know, foreign spies — in the White House.  First time that espionage against the United States has reached that level.  Unprecedented.

And guess what, Michelle?  Like you, the spies are Filipino.

So what say you?  Why don’t you voluntarily inter yourself in an interment camp?  It’s the patriotic thing to do.

Michelle is not amused with the suggestion.