It’s 1973 All Over Again

Ken AshfordBush & Co., HistoryLeave a Comment

"[I]t is true that, as far as capacity to govern in concerned, that to be under a constant barrage 12 to 15 minutes a night on each of the three major networks for four months tends to raise some questions in the people’s mind with regard to the President and it may raise some questions with regard to the capacity to govern. The point that I make now is that we are proceeding as best we know how to get all those guilty brought to justice in Watergate. But now, we must move on from Watergate to the business of the people. And the business of the people is continuing with the initiatives we began in the first Administration."

Richard Nixon during press conference, Summer 1973, in response to a question about his ability to govern in the midst of controversy about his administration

"There is some background noise here, a lot of chatter, a lot of speculation and opining, but the American people expect me to do my job and I’m going to."

George Bush during press conference, today, in response to a question about his ability to govern in the midst of controversy about his administration