Bay of Morons

Ken AshfordBush & Co.Leave a Comment

White House Ducks Prewar Intel Questions

WASHINGTON – The White House sought to deflect politically charged questions Wednesday about President Bush’s use of prewar intelligence in Iraq, saying Democrats, too, had concluded Saddam Hussein was a threat.

"If Democrats want to talk about the threat that Saddam Hussein posed and the intelligence, they might want to start with looking at the previous administration and their own statements that they’ve made," White House press secretary Scott McClellan said.

He said the Clinton administration and fellow Democrats "used the intelligence to come to the same conclusion that Saddam Hussein and his regime were a threat."

(Emphasis added).

And, as Shakespeare’s Sister points out, that’s the lamest excuse ever. 

Bush & Co, relied on Clinton-era intelligence to convince the country that Saddam posed an "imminent threat". 

Let me say that again…

Bush & Co, relied on Clinton-era intelligence to convince the country that Saddam posed an "imminent threat". 

And when it all went south, who do the Bushies duck behind to avoid culpability?


Idiots.  Does it occur to them that maybe — just maybe — the problem was them relying on outdated intelligence (and massaging the recent intelligence)?

What’s next?  Is Bush going to invade Cuba based on Kennedy-era intelligence?  And then, when it turns out that Cuba doesn’t have nuclear weapons, give the lame excuse, "Hey!  Don’t blame us!  Kennedy thought Castro had nukes!!"