But Seriously Folks

Ken AshfordConstitution, GodstuffLeave a Comment

Rather than making wisecracks (like I do), a blogger from New York gives serious thoughts on The War On Christmas thing.  I’ve boiled it down, but you should read the whole thing:

Yes I know; you’re sick of this subject.  Me too.  But here I go…

I’m a New York Jew; a life long Democrat and a card carrying member of the ACLU.  Much of the time I’m very disappointed in the Democratic party, but at this moment it’s better than the alternative.  I don’t believe in all of the ACLU’s causes, but I believe that everybody has a right to be represented.

But when I read blogs that blame the ACLU and/or minority groups for taking Christ out of Christmas, I have to say that as a Jew I, and most Jews, want you to celebrate Christmas….

I don’t think I believe in G-d but I respect people of any religion who truly believe.  If I were to feel that I was in any way denying you the ability to pray, I would feel that I have failed as both a person and a person who does worship The First Amendment.  I don’t care about the manger in the courthouse.  But understand something else.  I care greatly that church and state stay separate…

Separation of church and state is built into our Constitution.  If you understand the history of Jews in America, you will understand why we care so much about The First Amendment.  It’s not just a symbol of our freedom, but a tool that is used to preserve every Americans right to keep church and state separate.  Here are two quotes by Fran Quigley, Executive Director, Indiana Civil Liberties Union

For example, the Alliance Defense Fund celebrates the season with an "It’s OK to say Merry Christmas" campaign, implying that the ACLU has challenged such holiday greetings. (As part of the effort, you can get a pamphlet and two Christmas pins for $29.)

The website WorldNetDaily touts a book claiming "a thorough and virulent anti-Christmas campaign is being waged today by liberal activists and ACLU fanatics." The site’s magazine has suggested there will be ACLU efforts to remove "In God We Trust" from U.S. currency, fire military chaplains, and expunge all references to God in America’s founding documents. (Learn more for just $19.95) . . .

Of course, there is no "Merry Christmas" lawsuit, nor is there any ACLU litigation about U.S. currency, military chaplains, etc. But the facts are not important to these groups, because their real message is this: By protecting the freedom of Muslims, Jews, and other non-Christians through preventing government entanglement with religion, the ACLU is somehow infringing on the rights of those with majority religious beliefs.

So, as pointed out, there is no "War on Christmas".  It’s just a fundraising gimmick from religious outfits.

Anyway, out blogger then goes on to quote the up-in-arms religious fundies who don’t believe in separation of church and state, and then addresses them directly:

Just understand that we’re not your problem.  You are.  If a person can find G-d in a concentration camp, any American can find G-d anywhere.  It’s up to you to put Christ back in Christmas, not us…

Merry Christmas; Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Winter Solistice. I will call this season whatever you want me to call it as long as The First Amendment remains intact.  And I will always be grateful to the USA for allowing my family to live as full citizens for over a century.  Grateful but I will never feel less an American than you do.  And I thank G-d for organizations like the ACLU that make sure I will always be a full American.

