With some shameful borrowing from around the blogosphere, plus some of mine own, here’s the list of New Year’s Resolutions for the entire American citizenry:
- Become intelligent-thinking during political campaigns so as not to be deceived by jingoistic and meaningless phrases such as "Compassionate Conservativism," "I’m an outsider," and "Mission Accomplished"
- Learn to distinguish between facts and opinions (including, "expert opinions")
- Demand that leaders ask sacrifices in difficult times of all people as equally as possible.
- When hearing a talking point, try to get past who is saying it, and instead, consider what is being said. The medium isn’t the message — the message is the message.
- Stop dumbing down or "religionifying" debate in society on issues important to our nation. Gay marriage, security, tax fairness, and choice come to mind.
- Also, if something is bogus, call it bogus. For example, intelligent design isn’t science, and we don’t have to call it "science" (or change the meaning of "science") in order to be "fair and balanced". After calling it bogus, say why, with specific evidence.
- Don’t call something a war if it is not a war. Don’t call something a threat if it is not a threat. I’m talking about militarily, as well as culturally.
- Stop giving a damn who’s sleeping with whom, and what they’re doing when they’re doing it.
- Understand that there are people who have different viewpoints and lifestyles and religious preferences than you, and that the mere existance of such people does not in any way pose a threat to how you live your life.
- If you want to talk about winning the war in Iraq, explain what the victory conditions are. What does "winning" look like? If you can’t or won’t meet that prerequisite, then get off your soapbox and shut up.
- Being famous doesn’t make you better equipped to be a leader, nor does it make your opinions more newsworthy than anybody else’s.
- Listen to people you disagree with. In other words, if you want to know what a "typical liberal" thinks or wants, then listen to a "typical liberal" — not Rush Limbaugh.
- Check your source’s sources. If you are too lazy and/or don’t have the time, that’s cool — but then don’t opine on the subject until you are better informed.