Speaking Of Whistleblowers…

Ken AshfordWar on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

Craig Murray was once Britain’s Ambassador to the Central Asian Republic of Uzbekistan.  At the time, he objected — loudly — to the U.S. use of "extraordinary rendition" (and Britain’s complicity in it).  Specifically, Iraqi and Afghani war detainees were transferred by the Americans and Brits to Uzbek security forces, who extracted "torture-tainted" information.

No longer serving in the British government, Murray holds documents which show Britain’s involvement in extraordinary rendition practices.  Sensing the political ramifications (the Brits deny they use torture, too), the Foreign Office demanded that Murray send those documents back, and sought a court order to block their publication.

Sorry, chaps.  You’re too late.  Murray posted the documents on his blog today.

Here’s an example from the "Murray Torture Memos", and a good example of why torture doesn’t work.

At the Khuderbegainov trial I met an old man from Andizhan. Two of his children had been tortured in front of him until he signed a confession on the family’s links with Bin Laden. Tears were streaming down his face. I have no doubt they had as much connection with Bin Laden as I do. This is the standard of the Uzbek intelligence services.

We should remember in all this that Uzbekistan is the last ember of the Stalinist Soviet regime, a fact which is apparently lost on Bush apologists, who love to praise Bush for his "moral clarity".