Bush Critic Ends Up On No-Fly List

Ken AshfordBush & Co., War on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

Jim Moore is a former TV news correspondent and author.  He has an Anglo name, pays tens of thousands of dollars every year in taxes, has never been arrested, has never been late with a credit card payment, and "cries after the first two notes of the national anthem".

He’s also a Bush critic.  He is best known for the popular book "Bush’s Brain" (about Karl Rove). 

As he writes here, he’s also on the No Fly Watch List, a list for suspected terrorist.

Of course, merely being a critic of Bush and Rove shouldn’t get one on the No Fly Watch List.  But Moore is mystified as to how he got there, and suspects there’s a connection between his books and his appearance on the list.

And be honest, don’t you too?