Terrorism: A Risk-Benefit Analysis

Ken AshfordWar on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

Glenn Greenwald writes a post which will no doubt drive the right wingers batty:

All of this seems obvious at this point. The total number of Americans killed by Islamic terrorists in the last 5 years — or 10 years — or 20 years — or ever — is roughly 3,500, the same number of deaths by suicide which occur in this country every month. This is the overarching threat around which we are constructing our entire foreign policy, changing the basic principles of our government, and fundamentally altering both our behavior in the world and the way in which we are perceived.

3,500.  All kinds of thought experiments can be done with that number.  Look at how many die from [pick your poison – AIDS, car crashes, poverty, etc.]. 

While terrorism should be a concern, the risk benefit analysis performed by the Bush Administration is hopelessly skewed.  Of course, this is intentional.  The word Glenn is looking for is "fear-mongering"