Ann Coulter Makes It So

Ken AshfordRight Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

Even though I mentioned the Ann Coulter voting fraud story two days ago, it’s worth bringing up again for a cute addendum.  The story, in a nutshell, is that last week Ann Coulter voted in a Palm County precinct in which she did not live.  The address on her registration wasn’t her home address, but that of her realtor.  (We lawyers call that "voter fraud").

The new wrinkle is this: before she cast her vote in the wrong precinct, she attempted to vote in yet another polling place within the wrong precinct, but was stopped by a poll worker.  Coulter fled.

Wonkette provides the punchline, noting that five years ago during the Election 2000 Florida recount mess (butterfly ballots, etc.), Coulter opined that Palm Beach voters were "stupid" and "feeble-minded".

I guess Coulter had something to prove, which is why she moved there.