New Orleans Considering Foreign Aid

Ken AshfordDisastersLeave a Comment

This is a sad state of affairs, and should be an embarrassment to the Bush Administration:

Shortcomings in aid from the United States government are making New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin look to other nations for help in rebuilding his hurricane-damaged city.

Nagin, who has hosted a steady stream of foreign dignitaries since Hurricane Katrina hit in late August, says he may seek international assistance because US aid has not been sufficient to get the city back on its feet.

"I know we had a little disappointment earlier with some signals we’re getting from Washington but the international community may be able to fill the gap," Nagin said when a delegation of French government and business officials passed through on Friday to explore potential business partnerships.

I think New Orleans should just change its name to "Iraq".  Then it might get some assistance from Washington.