Production, Not Truth

Ken AshfordRight Wing and Inept MediaLeave a Comment

Hugh Hewitt responds to criticisms that Cheney gave his post-shooting interview with "Mommy Will Kiss It And Make It Better" Fox News:

He was interviewed by the most respected and experienced anchor in America right now by the people who care about professionalism.

Yeah, Brit Hume’s "did you hit the bird" question was investigative journalistic at its best.

And a one-on-one interview is much more productive than a gaggle of screamers trying to score cheap shot points…

"Productive"?  Is that the metric here?

You know what?  Our criminal justice system would be more productive if we didn’t have cross-examinations, or defendants’ attorneys at all.  Cases would zip by really smoothly and uncontentiously.  But I’m not sure that’s a good thing.

I don’t think people were looking for a productive interview, Hugh.  I think they just wanted the truth.  And you’re more likely to get the truth when exposed to hostility and adversity (isn’t that the whole basis behind your support of turture?). 

It may not be a pretty process, but then, neither is shooting a 78 year old man in the face.