Hindrocket On The Oscars

Ken AshfordRight Wing Punditry/Idiocy1 Comment

After writing that he only caught 20% of the Oscars, Powerline boy John Hindrockt writes:

I did, however, happen to catch George Clooney’s little oration on what a fine thing it is that Hollywood is out of touch with America. This, he said, is because Hollywood is so noble; he harkened back to the era when Hollywood was cranking out pro-civil rights movies before America was ready for them. Only, no such thing happened.

Damn right no such thing happened.  Clooney harkened back to when the Academy gave an Oscar to Hattie McDaniel for "Gone With The Wind", during a time when blacks were segregated in the theater.  Clooney said nothing about hollywood "cranking out pro-civil rights movies".

Once again, John Hindrocket shows how truth-challenged he is.

And here’s what Clooney actually said:

"I would say that we’re a little bit out of touch in Hollywood every once in a while. It’s probably a good thing. We’re the ones who talked about AIDS when it was just being whispered, and we talked about civil rights when it wasn’t really popular. This academy, this group of people, gave Hattie McDaniel an Oscar (best supporting actress, Gone With the Wind) in 1939 when blacks were still sitting in the backs of theaters.

"I’m proud to be a part of this academy. I’m proud to be a part of this community. I’m proud to be out of touch."