Riddle Me This

Ken AshfordGodstuffLeave a Comment

According to a recent U.Minn study, atheists are the most hated and distrusted minority group in America.

So how can anyone take seriously the claim that there is a "War On Christians"?

This victimization thing has got to stop.  The resurgence of Christian faith is the highest I’ve seen in my lifetime.  We have a President who claims to be born-again.  Most Americans believe in God, and a plurality believe in a Christian God. 

I begrudge nobody for their beliefs.  But the nonsense that Christians, who represent the overwhelming majority in this country, are being subjugated and attacked by — who, exactly? — is a pernicious lie.

Tom Delay:

"We are after all a society that abides abortion on demand, that has killed millions of innocent children, that degrades the institution of marriage and often treats Christianity like some second-rate superstition. Seen from this perspective, of course there is a war on Christianity," he said.

So, because you don’t agree with individual freedom and choice, your faith is being attacked?

I agree with these people:

To some outsiders, it illuminated the paranoia of the Christian right.

"Certainly religious persecution existed in our history, but to claim that these examples amount to religious persecution disrespects the experiences of people who have been jailed and died because of their faith," said K. Hollyn Hollman, general counsel of the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty.

"This is a skirmish over religious pluralism, and the inclination to see it as a war against Christianity strikes me as a spoiled-brat response by Christians who have always enjoyed the privileges of a majority position," said the Rev. Robert M. Franklin, a minister in the Church of God in Christ and professor of social ethics at Emory University.

Pam Spaulding has more on the "War On Christians", including their list of demands.

UPDATE:  Over at The Corner, Ramesh Ponnuru chastizes his Christian conservative brethren:

…But the notion that liberals are waging a "war against Christians"–the theme, or at least title, of the conference that Milbank covered and that you spoke at–strikes me as deeply mistaken. They don’t think they’re waging war against Christians, and many of them think of themselves as Christians. Even if you grant the premise that social liberals aren’t "true" Christians, which I don’t grant, the most you could say is that some people, including some people who mistakenly think of themselves as Christians, are inadvertently waging a metaphorical war against Christians. By the time you’ve qualified the thesis enough to bring it in the ballpark of truth, you don’t have much of a thesis left.

And there’s at least one other problem. Tom DeLay brought up the injustice of abortion on demand. That is, as his own words suggest, an injustice to unborn children. Christians who object to abortion should not think of themselves as its victims. At its best, the pro-life movement is a struggle for civil rights–primarily the civil rights of unborn children; not the supposed civil right of conservative Christians to see their policy views prevail.