From the website of the American Decency Association*:
(1) Victoria’s Secret is blatant and boldly erotic in the marketing of their products.
Well, since their primary line includes exotic lingerie, this is hardly surprising. Just what, exactly, does the American Decency Association think the advertising should be like?
(2) They exhibit little sense of concern regarding moral sensibilities.
In other words, societal norms should be conformed to the priggiest of the social prigs.
(3) Their response to expressions of concern are and have been disingenuous for a long time. [See one of their letters below.]
In the letter response to the American Decency Association, a spokeperson for Victoria’s Secret wrote as follows: "We regret that you feel the advertisements were offensive. Selling lingerie is a delicate task. We walk a fine line between being attention-getting and exciting without being overly sensual or tasteless."
I suspect the people at Victoria’s Secret do regret that some people find their ads offensive. Selling lingerie is a delicate task, and they do walk a fine line. What about that is "disingenuous"?
(4) Their advertisements on television are frequently foisted upon an audience unprepared and, in many cases, undesirous of their "in your face" sexual imagery.
(5) Victoria’s Secret is a very frequent advertiser on "Desperate Housewives."
Maybe if the folks at the American Decency Association didn’t watch "Desparate Housewives", they wouldn’t have the offending Victoria Secret ads foisted upon them.
(6) Their annual "Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show" is about models parading before an ogling audience dressed to titillate and spur sales through pornography (guised as a fashion show).
Again, Victoria’s Secret doesn’t sell body armor; they sell lingerie. It wouldn’t make much sense to have a fashion show, and not have models wearing your product.
(7) Victoria’s Secret’s arrogance that they think they can get away with using pornography at the local mall, on national television, etc. And, to our shame, they have gotten away with it.
They’ve also gotten away with using no verbs, apparently.
(8) Victoria’s Secret lowers the "community standard" of the local mall.
The American Decency Society hates it that fine establishments like Sunglasses Hut, Zanes Jewelers, Radio Shack, and the Yankee Candle Company are all getting the vapours.
[* Don’t you just love the name?]