American Idol: Last Show

Ken AshfordPopular Culture1 Comment


I gotta admit, that was one fun final show to watch.  Maybe it’s because I haven’t watched the show for a couple of seasons, but I don’t recall it being that star-packed and full of music.  I seem to remember a lot of wasted time-filler and remotes from "back home", and that’s about it.

But if they keep doing it like this, the American Idol finale is destined to be one of those annual must-see events, like the Oscars or Miss America (back in the day).  I thought the Puck & Pickler bits were cute, and most of the music was pretty good.

I know some are going to say it’s a little mean-spirited to poke fun at the terrible contestents who tried out, but I disagree.  They knew the score when they signed the paper, and they all signed the paper.

But MAN, they really worked those ten finalists tonight.  I’ll bet they’re glad that’s over and they can start the tour.  I’m particularly glad that Paris, Mandisa, and Lisa got their share of the spotlight.  I think any of those three could have been in Katharine’s spot tonight.  Eliott won me over again, too — I rode that guy hard at the beginning.

Nice to see Clay Aiken’s new hip look . . . if you think Simon LeBon cicra 1990 is hip!

Anyway, glad to see Taylor won.  Wish I could say the same for the Sox.