American Idol Update: Elvis Week

Ken AshfordPopular Culture1 Comment

Liveblogging tonight!

Well, I think this is going to be Elliott’s last night, but we’ll see. 

Oh, it’s Elvis.  Katharine must not be pleased.


(1)  Taylor ("Jailhouse Rock"):  This is typical Taylor.  Boisterous and fun.  I’m not sure "typical Taylor" is what he should be doing.  He’s great, but he needs to kick it up this week.  Vocals: A-; Performance: A-

(2) Chris ("Suspicious Minds"):  I keep forgetting just how rich the tone of his voice is.  He’s nailing this.  Not sure about the sunglasses and the INXS-like skulking, but he’s really great.  Vocals: A+; Performance A-

(3)  Elliott ("I Can Dream"):  Never heard of this song.  Good choice for him though.  He’s got this down good.  Hmmm.  If he’s to be leaving this week, it’s not without a fight.  Good for him.  Vocals: A; Performance: B+

(4)  Katharine ("Hound Dog", mostly):  Just not a great song for her and a little pitchy.  Did she just forget the lyrics?  Why, yes she did.  Oh, this is not good (comparatively).  Vocals: B; Performance: B

Well, if tonight is the only night that voters care about, Katharine is in deep shit.


(1)  Taylor ("In The Ghetto"):  I don’t know.  Taylor is bugging me tonight.  His eyes are shifty.  This is better than his first one though.  Something seemed to go wrong at the end.  But nice to see this side of him.  Vocals: A; Performance: B+

(2)  Chris ("A Little Less Conversation"):  This is in a great (low) register for him.  Again, I’m reminded of that dead INXS guy whose name escapes me [POST-SHOW UPDATE: the late Michael Hutchence].  He better kick it up an octave — ah, there it is.  Fantastic.  Vocals: A++; Performance: A-

(3)  Elliott ("Evil"):  He’s picking the Elvis songs that people (meaning, you know, me) don’t know.  Wow, that was great!  By far his best.  He’s definitely not going this week (unless, of course, he is).  The judges are right — his best performance of the series.  Vocals: A+; Performance: A

(4)  Katharine ("Can’t Help Falling In Love"):  No, she’s not nailing it.  She’s sounding shrill, even.  Oh, dear.  Oh, dear.  A little pitchy, too.  Vocals: B; Performance: B

You know what?  Unless this is just a popularity contest now among Idol fans (and it may be), Katharine will be history.  It’s a shame really.   But even I want to see more Elliott now, and I’ve been riding him hard for weeks.  In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s not in the bottom two.