Bush’s Highs And Lows

Ken AshfordBush & Co.Leave a Comment

According to Bush —


Well, that makes sense.  But what does he think  his best moment was?

You know what Carter’s answer was to his "best moment"?  The Camp David negotiations.

Clinton’s best moment?  Resolution of the Kosovo crisis

BEST MOMENT OF DUBYA PRESIDENCY:  When he caught a big fish in his lake.

No kidding.  That’s what he said.

Come to think of it, I agree.

UPDATE:  Even about this, Bush lied.  He claimed the perch he caught was 7.5 pounds.  Pretty interesting, since the world record for the largest perch caught is 4 pounds, 3 ounces.

UPDATE TO UPDATE:  Unless it was a bass, not a perch.

ANOTHER UPDATE:  Is it me, or is Bush sounding kinda crazy?  I mean, he gets obsessed about the Oval Office rug and what it tells people.