Conservative Songs, Part II

Ken AshfordPopular Culture, RepublicansLeave a Comment

The same idiot who came up with the list of the 50 best conservative songs . . . has come up with 50 more best conservative songs.  This list is even stupider than the first.  It contains (a) songs that nobody heard of; (b) songs that clearly have no political content in it whatsover (e.g., "Yackety Yak"), and (c) songs that are clearly liberal.

I mean, come on.  The Byrd’s "Turn, Turn, Turn" — written by Pete Seeger — is a conservative song?  Well, to John Miller it is.  And why?  Because its lyrics "are taken from Ecclesiastes".  See if you can figure that one out.  As if biblical and liberal can’t possibly occupy the same space?  What a doofus.