GOP Crook To Teach “Nuts And Bolts” Campaign

Ken AshfordRepublicansLeave a Comment

Charles McGee, former Executive Director of the New Hampshire Republican State Committee, is sending out invitations for a “GOP Campaign School”, where attendees can learn the "nuts and bolts" about running GOP political campaigns.

From the indictment, here’s what McGee did as Executive Director of the New Hampshire Republican State Committee:

In or about October 2002, Charles McGee, Executive Director of the New Hampshire Republican State Committee, informed the defendant, James Tobin, then the New England Regional Director of the Republican National Committee, that McGee wanted to hire a telephone services vendor to annoy and harass Democratic telephone volunteers in order to disrupt their attempts to communicate with qualified voters on Election Day.


On or about November 4, 2002, McGee sent a check for $15,600 drawn on the account of the New Hampshire Republican State Committee to GOP Marketplace as payment for placing hang-up calls repeatedly throughout Election Day to five Democratic phone numbers and the Manchester Firefighters’ phone number dedicated to assisting qualified voters in exercising their rights to vote by providing qualified voters with information regarding their polling precincts and by providing qualified voters with transportation to their polling precincts on Election Day…

McGee, who pled guilty and served seven months in prison, is qualified to operate a "campaign school" about as much as Charles Manson is to operate a seminar on conflict resolution.