Memorial Day

Ken AshfordGodstuff, IraqLeave a Comment

Today is Memorial Day (yesterday we observed it).  It’s the time to remember fallen heroes who, as is so often said, protect our freedoms.

Ironically, a fallen soldier by the name of Patrick Stewart is being denied his freedom of religion:

Stewart was a follower of the Wiccan religion, which is not recognized by the Department of Veterans Affairs for use in its cemeteries.

Stewart’s widow, Roberta, said she will wait until her family’s religion — and its five-pointed star enclosed in a circle, with one point facing skyward — is recognized for use on memorials before Stewart’s plaque is installed.

"It’s completely blank," Roberta Stewart said, pointing to her husband’s place on the memorial.

She said she had no idea the pentacle could not be used on her husband’s memorial plaque until she had to deal with the agency after the death of her husband.

"It’s discrimination," she said. "They are discriminating against our religion.

The Veterans Administration has never authorized the use of Wicca’s pentacle on grave markers, even though it allows the use of symbols from 38 other beliefs including obscure or possibly fictional religions such as Ixumo Taishakyo, Soks Gakkai, Aaronic Order, Seicho-no-ie and Presbyterians.  Not to mention atheism.