Mom Said It Was Bad…

Ken AshfordDisastersLeave a Comment

515rescueAnd she wasn’t kidding:

New England is bracing for the region’s worst flooding since the 1930s, The Associated Press reports, with the most serious situation in the Merrimack Valley, north of Boston on the New Hampshire border.

There, AP reported, the Merrimack and Spicket rivers have overflowed their banks and forced the evacuations of hundreds of people. Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney said sewage was a major problem. About 35 million gallons a day was being dumped into the Merrimack River due to a burst in the pipes in Haverhill while another 115 million gallons a day were expected to spill in from a regional treatment plant in Lawrence, because power for the plant was under water.

National Guard activated.  Manditory evacuations in many southern NH communities. [UPDATE: And parts of not-so-southern communities as well]

In my hometown of Concord, upstate a spell from the brunt of the flooding, St. Paul’s School has closed due to flooding of Turkey Pond, sending many of its international students home.

Not to fear, New Hampshirites.   FEMA’s a-comin’!  They sent a guy up who is a "hydrologist in FEMA’s Boston office responsible for providing technical support to environmental contractors and communities in the Northeast Region."

The Union Leader has a good Floodblog, as well as reader’s photos.