Ken AshfordBlogging2 Comments

According to recent estimates, there are 7 million blogs in America, NOT counting sites like MySpace and Xanga.

Of the top 55,000 blogs tracked by TTLB Blogosphere Ecosystem, I am ranked at around 15,000.  My internal Typepad counter informs me that I get anywhere from 50-100 hits per day, although I suspect that many of those "visits" are from spambots.

One of the nice things about being a not-much-read blogger is that it affords me the liberty to change the blog’s name at will, since the only person who really cares is, well, me. 

Small bloggers often change names.  Even well known bloggers with large followings have been known to do it.  And I have a hankerin’ to do it.

It’s not the first time.  I think my first blog attempt (on Blogger) was called "So Anyway" for a month, and then it became "The Way Bricks Don’t".   The latter title was from Douglas Adams’ "A Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy".  He had a wonderful turn of phrase.  I believe the full sentence was something like "Her words hung in the air in much the same way that bricks don’t."  I just loved that sentence.

After a year or so, I moved to Typepad and chose the name "No, You Can’t Have A Pony" without too much thinking.

I don’t recall why I chose that name — the irreverance of it appealed to me.  I still like it, although, in retrospect, I think it is simply too long.  Plus, I’m sick of seeing that girl crying.

So I’m toying with the idea of renaming the blog, and changing the look a bit.  Any suggestions would be helpful.  Here’s kind of what appeals to me:

  1. I hate cliches.  Words like "rant", "thoughts", "musings", etc.
  2. Preferably, it should have nothing to do with anything I generally write about.  And not necessarily reflective of me, either.  Kind of like the way that Monty Python’s Flying Circus had nothing to do with a guy named Monty Python, flying, or a circus.  The more "out in left field", the better.
  3. I kind of like the idea of a catch-phrase that has gone out of style: "23 skidoo" or "The Hell You Say".  But I’m not married to that.
  4. My favorite blog name of all that I have seen is "Sadly No" — a short phrase with just a hint of snark.
  5. Literary references, Latin, etc are all okay, just as long as it’s not pretentious.
  6. I like funny-sounding words, like "boondoggle", "quagmire" and "smattering"

None of these rules are immutable, except for perhaps the first two. 

Off the top of my head, I’ve come up with some examples, all of which appeal to me for reasons beyond my own comprehension.  ("Beyond My Own Comprehension", come to think of it, isn’t a bad name either.  Actually, same with "Come To Think Of It"). 

Anyway, you’ll get my drift when you read these examples:

  • Get My Drift
  • Do Not Resuscitate
  • 23 Skidoo
  • The Hell You Say
  • The Don Knotts Code
  • Jazz Hands
  • Dog Is My Co-Pilot
  • Fries With That
  • Beyond Your Ken
  • The Daily Towel
  • Apropos Of Nothing
  • Over Easy
  • A Manifesto, Someday
  • In The Parlor With A Candlestick
  • No Shirt No Service
  • Jazzercise For Pirates
  • The Blog Formally Known As Morty
  • Quo Vadis
  • Call It A Day
  • What About Naomi?
  • Simmer Down
  • The Seventh Sense
  • Boondoggle
  • Schindler’s Grocery List
  • While You Were Out
  • Clueless As Ever
  • Teasing The Squirrels
  • Error 404
  • Better Than A Poke In The Eye
  • A Small Matter But…
  • The Daily Gist
  • Nattering Nabob
  • The Sanity Reclamation Project
  • All That And More
  • I Swan