Still kind of crazy, but not enough for some short takes:
(1) The devil is here. A baby weighing 6.66 ounces was born on 6/6/06. Maybe that has something to do with why God is striking churches (here and here) with lightning.
(2) How depraved can you be: A funeral worker hides a dead baby’s body in the pants of a dead man slated to be cremated.
(3) Breaking news: The FDA approved that vaccine which virtually eliminates the possibility of cervical cancer. This was the vaccine that the Christian conservative right-to-life crowd opposed on the grounds that girls who got the vaccine would start having lots of sex.
(4) Favorite wingnut quote of the week comes from Nathan Tabor:
It’s been awhile since my college day class in Logic, but I still remember the concept of logical consequence. Let’s see…
Conservatives are typically members of the Republican Party.
The majority of Congressional members are Republicans.
Therefore, the majority of Congressional members are Conservatives.
Yes, apparently they must have taught logic for only one day, and Nathan was sick.
(5) To the surprise of no one, the Senate’s anti-gay marriage amendment was an immediate failure. Along that subject, this video of Jon Stewart taking apart Bill Bennett is great.
(6) So we killed somebody in Iraq, I guess? Kewl. Is it over now?