Colorado Rockies Of Ages

Ken AshfordGodstuffLeave a Comment

I have no problem with the Colorado Rockies becoming a team of evangelistic believers, or whatever this article is saying, so long as they are not discriminatory (and they appear not to be).  Certainly, the baseball profession, like all professions, can only benefit from having its members adhere to a Christian (or Christian-like) code of conduct, at least so far as their job is concerned.

I just don’t think it’s going to effect their place in the standings.  Hopefully, the Lord has more important things to worry about.

UPDATE:  Looks like the USA article about the Colorado Rockies may have been a little exaggerated, displeasing some of the team:

Todd Helton and [pitcher Jason] Jennings were quoted supporting the article’s premise regarding religion’s role in the clubhouse. But both said they never were asked about religion, and were questioned only in general terms about the clubhouse environment.

"I wouldn’t say it was accurate. (The writer) asked me about the guys in here and I said it’s a good group. We work hard and get along well," Helton said.

The story stated that men’s magazines such as Playboy, Penthouse and Maxim could not be found in the Rockies’ clubhouse, but that Bibles were present. Several players read Maxim in the visiting clubhouse during the Padres’ series this week. Two separate issues sat on the center coffee table Wednesday.

"I have never seen a Bible (out in the open) in our clubhouse," said pitcher Aaron Cook, who has led the team’s chapel service during spring training. "Most of the guys on this team are Christians, but not all of them. And the fact is you don’t build a winner around just Christians. If that was the case, everybody would be doing it."