Fighting Terrorists In Iraq So We Won’t Have To Fight Them Here?

Ken AshfordWar on Terrorism/TortureLeave a Comment

Of the seven al Qaeda terrorists arrested in an alleged plot against the Sears Tower, five were U.S. citizens.  While they are purportedly Muslim (except for the one Roman Catholic), it appears that none of them were of Arabic descent.

Quick, let’s invade America!

RELATED:  Larry Johnson reminds us that the government has claimed to capture domestic Al Qaeda members, only to have it revealed (months later, in the back pages of the newspapers) that they were entirely innocent.  Others say not to believe the hype.

UPDATE:  Steve Soto:

I’m sorry, but while Alberto tells us how important it is for the FBI to have broken up a ring of “homegrown terrorists” this morning, why do I have the impression that what the Bureau did was bag a bunch of stupid gang-bangers, meth-runners, and Bin Laden wannabes rather than stumble upon a domestic Al Qaeda cell? If this really was Al Qaeda, does the alleged ringleader ask someone he barely knows for money to go buy “boots, uniforms, machine guns, radios, and vehicles,” as well as $50,000 in cash, to help him build an “Islamic Army to wage jihad?” Yeah, in Hollywood and in the rightwing blogosphere perhaps.