* Vast Left Wing Conspiracy, on the meme that Bush’s recent surprise visit to Baghdad’s green zone was fraught with danger:
Just when I thought they couldn’t set the bar any lower for Bush, we’re now expected to be impressed that the most secure part of a country where he supposedly won a war three years ago remains a live target for mortar fire.
* The Raw Story: Did the Army lie about contracts given to Halliburton in order to protect Cheney?
* Bob Harris on Ann Coulter:
But now comes Godless, written by a woman who not only does not attend the church she claims to, but whose entire income depends on publicly breaking at least three of the Ten Commandments — #9: Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness (so much for generating publicity with wild claims about the 9-11 widows); #4: Remember the Sabbath (so much for plugging her book on Sunday morning talk shows); and #8: Thou Shalt Not Steal (numerous snippets of Coulter’s books are lifted almost word-for-word from other uncredited sources) — as often as possible.
[Bob Harris overlooks another commandment-breaking action by Ann Coulter: targetting senators for murder. More from Editor & Publisher]
* Betty Bowers on Ann Coulter: "Apparently, in Miss Coulter’s religion, the meek may inherit the Earth, but not before she’s had a shot at making them cry first."
* Republican strategist busted by the blogosphere: he’s been soliciting young girls who write about it on MySpace.
* Republican Congressman Lynn Westmoreland co-sponsors a bill to allow the Ten Commandments in courthouses, but he can’t even name them.
* The "Family Values" people are complaining about TV shows that they don’t even watch!
* From the mind of our favorite wingnot columnist, Kaye Grogan:
Most Americans would practically still be in the stone age era or having to rely on smoke signals for information, if news sites like WorldNet Daily, Newsmax, and the Drudge Report didn’t exist on the Internet.
The article is entitled "Watch Out For Those Cliffhangers!" and I defy anyone to find a connection between that title and the subject of her article.
* And finally, whaddup with the wardrobe on gay-bashing Senator Santorum?